Brunox® Gun Care weapon maintenance spray is a special BRUNOX® product for cleaning weapons for hunting, shooting and weapon collectors. BRUNOX® is a Swiss quality product.
  • Cleans, lubricates and maintains all metal parts
  • Displaces moisture and protects against rust
  • Dissolves powder, lead, tombak, copper and nickel residues
  • Neutralizes hand sweat
  • Excellent creeping characteristics; a thin viscose protective film is built up, which does not harden and does not harden
  • Contains no silicone, Teflon or graphite
  • Neutral to lacquer surfaces, leather, wood, rubber, plastic and textiles
  • Prevents short circuit as contact spray
The addition TURBOLINE reduces the sliding resistance of all movable parts and thus ensures the function of repeating and automatic weapons, even at temperatures down to -55 °C. BRUNOX® Turbo-Spray® dissolves grease, organic and mineral dirt. BRUNOX® Turbo-Spray® contains only 3% propellant (CO2) and has a flash point of 78 °C.