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The idea for Tactical Foodpack came from a medic in the Estonian Special Operations Force who, in his daily work, faced complicated conditions that tested both physical and mental health. The moments when you could take time for a quick snack in the company of your teammates became increasingly valuable. Especially when you had to be away from home for long periods of time. These are the moments that allow you to make memories, come back home, think of all your loved ones and draw strength to keep going. Your teammates are a huge support; another important factor is the food you enjoy at such times. Soul food should be homemade and natural, placed on your plate with a large portion of love from a spouse or a mother. At the same time, this food should not be heavy and you should be able to devour it quickly, because the circumstances in which you may find yourself can be complex.

Therefore, they have created a product line that is long-lasting, without added preservatives or additives – it is all natural, honest, and has a homemade feel. Just pour hot water over the food, wait a moment, and enjoy delicious flavors straight from the bag.

TFP products are perfect not only for the Special Forces, but also for the everyday hiker, sailor, mountain climber or professional extreme athlete, namely for anyone who pursues an active lifestyle, appreciates comfort and a healthy diet.

Let yourself be guided by the Special Forces’ principle: “Don’t f…. with the food!”

AFMJ is an official Tactical Foodpack dealer. We can offer you the full range, also in larger quantities. You can already order the goods from us on request via our contact form or by mail at info@afullmetaljacket.com.

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